512-710-6121 info@sententiavera.com
Sententia Vera, LLC has partnered with Community Action, Inc. of Central Texas to offer free adult English classes to the Dripping Springs community and beyond. The mission of Community Action, Inc. is to develop opportunities for people and communities to realize their potential by providing resources and comprehensive services to empower Central Texans of all ages to become self-sufficient. Its Adult Education Program serves rural counties with adult classes for those with limited mastery of basic educational skills; who do not have a high school diploma; or who are unable to speak, read or write the English language. The classes include English as a Second Language (ESL), High School Equivalency Prep (GED) in English and Spanish, and U.S. Citizenship, among others.
Teresa Carbajal Ravet, the owner of Sententia Vera, LLC, coordinates the Dripping Springs Adult Education Program, a volunteer-based program, out of the SV Cultural Hub in Dripping Springs as a free service to the Texas Hill Country community. Carbajal Ravet first joined the DSAEP as a volunteer instructor in 2017, and by 2019 became its coordinator and host.

“I am so excited that [Community Action] is going to be able to continue the [adult English] class and see it grow. Thank you for your support.”

~ Jessica Bailey

Adult Education Coordinator, Community Action, Inc.

By partnering, the Dripping Springs adult community and workforce will have a credentialed adult education program provided by an esteemed organization with a successful history in nine Central Texas counties and accessible in Dripping Springs.

Orientation and registration are scheduled for Monday, January 23 at 6:30 PM at SV Cultural Hub, 4002 E. US Highway 290, DSTX. Classes will be Mondays from 6:30 – 8:30 PM, starting January 30 through May 25, 2023.

All adult education students must be at least 19 years old; 17 or 18 years old and have the written permission of parents or guardian as well as proof of the official withdrawal from school; or 16 years old and have been ordered to attend GED/HSE classes by a court of law.