512-710-6121 info@sententiavera.com


Cultural Hub Guidelines

The following applies to the entire Sententia Vera Cultural Hub [SV Cultural Hub]. It is a simple statement of the expectations within which we all work. Please read it with care.

  • Every community has rules of conduct by which the members of the community agree to abide.
  • SV Cultural Hub is a community of creative, professional, and diverse individuals who inhabit a common workspace.
  • In SV Cultural Hub, individuals are prized for their individuality, but no individual has the right to inflict harm upon others or to destroy or lessen that which should be available to all.

To these ends, the following Cooperative Values apply, in the physical workspace and, as applicable, online:

BASED on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity, Hub members and volunteers believe in honesty, openness, diversity, inclusion, social responsibility, and genuine care for others.

HUBBERS OWN responsibility for our actions.

  • HOLD each other accountable.
  • BE an active participant in your membership.
  • IF needed, confront with respect (how you’d like to be confronted).
  • HAVE a considerate level of voice (and language). Place cell phones on vibrate.
  • CLEAN up after yourself.
  • HELP to keep common areas tidy.
  • BE mindful of valuables and respect designated desk spaces; yours and others.
  • SHARE information, know-how, project proposals, and networking opportunities when appropriate.
  • WHEN informally meeting in common areas, be considerate of other members, if a meeting room is available you may use it, however, be mindful of your time and self-track. If in doubt, reserve a meeting room, some memberships allow 2 or 4-hours of FREE use a month.

The Hub Guidelines are part of the Terms of Service